Coes Company - Plants

Coes designs and produces innovative systems using recyclable raw materials, with particular attention to thermal and acoustic comfort. Look at our production sites.

Pioltello (Mi)

Via Caduti sul Lavoro 9/A 20096 - Pioltello, Milano - Italy
Tel. 02 921361 - Fax +39 02 92136227 -

Headquarter and Building Division plant

Levate (Bg)

Via Dossi 1, 24040 - Levate, Bergamo - Italy
Tel. 02 921361 - Fax +39 02 92136227 -

Infrastructure Division plants

Gubbio (Pg)

Via degli Artigiani 27, 06024 - Gubbio, Perugia - Italy
Tel. 02 921361 - Fax +39 02 92136227 -

Infrastructure Division plants